Thursday, October 28, 2010
Nightjohn Book Report
Nightjohn is a story about slavery. Nightjohn’s main character is Sarny. She is a slave. She has lost her mother and since then her mother figure has been her mother’s friend called Mammy. One day however a man comes to the plantation nude and his name is Nightjohn. He tells the others that he had made it to freedom. They ask how and he tells them he can read. Everyone then leaves and tells him not to come near them. All except Sarny who asks Nightjohn to teach her to read. While she is working she forgets to not write where others are able to see her. She eventually gets caught by her owner and Nightjohn tells him it’s his fault. But he stills continues to teach her word and letters.
Friday, August 27, 2010
Profile of Lawlett
Name: Dallas Miles
Age: 18 Height: 5’4” Eye color: Hazel
About him:
Thinks of himself as a kind soft hearted man. He claims to accept death when it “comes for him”. Likes dark quiet places such as his house when there is no one around. He likes to eat fruit. He loves to write poetry. He dislikes fish of any kind. He hates to be called Hitler. He doesn’t like people who use others. His strengths are: his loyalty, positive outlook on things, he can be serious when he needs to, he is hard working, loves to read. His weaknesses are: he sleeps a lot, he talks a lot, and he is shy, accidental prone, and finally he falls too hard for few girls.
His families are: his mother Charlotte, his stepfather Bill, His older sister Megan, his younger sister Kayla, and his little brother Jacob, and his cheating father who deserves to be punished Lonnie. His friends are: his brother figure Geino, his onetime love Kayla Gilmer, his current love Meloney, his Asian twin Tevin, the abusive friend Sally, the dark twins Ashley, and Haley, and the wild man Tra.
Dallas Miles wants to go to culinary school, and wants to go and weld underwater for a few extra bucks. He also dreams of proving his mother wrong of everything she ever doubted about him. He would love to get the chance to fight his father in an extreme fist fight. Dallas also wants to find his true love, he currently hopes it will be Meloney.
Age: 18 Height: 5’4” Eye color: Hazel
About him:
Thinks of himself as a kind soft hearted man. He claims to accept death when it “comes for him”. Likes dark quiet places such as his house when there is no one around. He likes to eat fruit. He loves to write poetry. He dislikes fish of any kind. He hates to be called Hitler. He doesn’t like people who use others. His strengths are: his loyalty, positive outlook on things, he can be serious when he needs to, he is hard working, loves to read. His weaknesses are: he sleeps a lot, he talks a lot, and he is shy, accidental prone, and finally he falls too hard for few girls.
His families are: his mother Charlotte, his stepfather Bill, His older sister Megan, his younger sister Kayla, and his little brother Jacob, and his cheating father who deserves to be punished Lonnie. His friends are: his brother figure Geino, his onetime love Kayla Gilmer, his current love Meloney, his Asian twin Tevin, the abusive friend Sally, the dark twins Ashley, and Haley, and the wild man Tra.
Dallas Miles wants to go to culinary school, and wants to go and weld underwater for a few extra bucks. He also dreams of proving his mother wrong of everything she ever doubted about him. He would love to get the chance to fight his father in an extreme fist fight. Dallas also wants to find his true love, he currently hopes it will be Meloney.
Wednesday, June 2, 2010
Fallen book talk
I am reading Fallen by Lauren Kate. This book takes place in now modern times. It is too hard for me to know exactly when it takes place. It takes place in a reform school called Sword & Cross reform school in Geogria. Life here is alright except your always being watched. The protagonist is Luce. She has been accused of killing a man by setting a fire but she too was caught in it without any serious injuries. When she arrives she falls for a guy named Daniel. The antagonist is Cam. Luce had no idea that everything that went wrong at Sword & Cross was Cam’s fault. The author led me into the story made me think it was a strange vampire book. It’s not a vampire book. Luce felt as if she knew Daniel somewhere from before. As it turns out Daniel and Cam want Luce for themselves. The lesson I have learned from this book is nothing is a coincidence. My hook for you is to see if you can figure out the mystery.
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
Trail Of Tears

In 1830 the United States congress passed the “Indian Removal Act.” Many people had not liked the act. The Tennessee congressman Davy Crocket passed the act anyway. The current President Andrew Jackson had also quickly signed the bill into law. My Cherokee ancestors had tried to fight the removal laws legally by challenging it in the Supreme Court. The Cherokee went through hardship after hardship after hardship while being removed from their homelands. Many lost their will to live or died of illnesses. Others either died of the effect of the weather or of starvation.
Thursday, May 6, 2010

By: Laurie Halse Anderson
This book takes place in two places in the beginning it took place in Rhode Island and present day Boston, New York. The time line is from Monday, May 27, 1776 to Sunday, January 19, 1777. Life in this world was horriably hard for slaves. The protagonist is Isabel (now known as) Gardner. The story is about Isabel. Isabel has become stronger, smarter,and mor courage. The antagonist is Mrs. Lockton. Mrs. Lockton is the antagonist because her husband drives her near insane.The author lead me into the story by using my intrest of books to lure me in. Isabel and Ruth were thinking they were free but they were still sold into slavery. Isabel tried to do her new owner harm when she told Isabel that she sold her sister.Because Mrs.Lockton made the mistake of telling Isabel that Ruth was not sold Isabel had ran away from the Locktons. On the run Isabel will need all the help she can get to escape. My lesson that I have learned from this book is stand up face forward hestitate you die and retreat and you'll live in regret. My hook is for you to see if Isabel can save her sister and herself.
Monday, April 26, 2010
untitled by: Gorgul of
graveyard by: Gorgul of
Bird on a cherry tree
Vibragiel of
Scars of Time
River Rivelin
By: Roger B.
Life’s pretty good, and why wouldn’t it be? I’m a pirate, after all.
By: vanilla monkey bear of
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
I collect
What I collect is broken jewelry. I turn them into other pieces of jewelry. I have a hard time doing so because I have to find metals that fit. I also have to come up with a way to make them look better. Now I’ll tell you what my greatest work looked like. It was a silver cross from my sister’s charm necklace. I turned it into a necklace for what is now my ex- girlfriend. I have one last charm left and I want to give it my best friend and greatest crush. I might be going to my prom with her. I have to make this the best one I have ever done. I hope I don’t lose it, I hope she’ll like it. This is what I collect and why.
my would be style of being a parent

If I was a parent I would teach my child four things. One thing I would teach my child is to be honorable. I would start this by teaching them the real meaning of honor. After I teach the meaning of honor I would help them apply honor into their lives. The second thing I would try to teach them is to be honest. And to teach them honesty I would have to gain their trust, and to do that I would have them to believe that they can come to me whenever they face a problem. The third thing I would ever teach them is survival. I would first begin by taking them camping in a remote area. And I would guide them the way my ancestors have for many years. And the last and final thing I would teach my children is a select few parts of the bushido (the way of the warrior) . I would have them watch a movie called The Last Samurai which would teach them to appreciate life. This would be the upbringing of my children.
in fifteen years

As I picture myself 15 years from now I’d be 32 years old. I changed my name to Kyro Lawlett Anderson. I have a wife and 2 kids. A son named Ithuriel Zack Anderson, and a daughter named Alyssian Claire Anderson. They are kind to each other. Alyssian is the oldest. They learn so many things at a young age so they can do a lot without messing up so much. I am a police officer, my wife she’s a vet. I also own a garage. I have a good partner to work in the garage. We are proud of our children. I will live outside of La Push, Washington. We own four horses: 3 chestnuts and 1 pinto. This is how I see myself 15 years from now.
Thursday, March 11, 2010
Malkavian history
The Malkavians are a fictional clan of vampires from White Wolf Game Studio's books, role-playing games Vampire: The Masquerade and, Vampire: The Dark Ages. In modern times, they are associated with the Camarilla. Their symbol is a broken mirror. White Wolf states, "Stories speak of an epidemic of contagious dementia exploding among those of Malkav's blood." (VtM3 -- p.72) Malkavians frequently haunt asylums, hospitals, and slums.
As with all the vampire clans in the World of Darkness setting, Malkavians suffer from a specific flaw: in this case, they are incurably insane. This makes for interesting roleplaying as many storytellers will allow a Malkavian player to engage in breaking the fourth wall as an aspect of the vampire's insanity (i.e. the Malkavian is aware that he/she is a character in a game). However, many Malkavians believe their insanity to be a strength rather than a weakness. Exactly why they all suffer from insanity is unknown, but according to the Book of Nod, all third-generation vampires were cursed by Caine after the second-generation vampires were destroyed. One of these third-generation vampires was Malkav, from whom Malkavians come.
According to Malkavian legend, when Malkav was killed, all his childer came to his corpse and drank the blood of their father, thus collectively diablerizing Malkav. He is said to speak inside each and every Malkavian's soul and connects them into one collective consciousness. This "hive mind" is sometimes called "the Cobweb" or "the Malkavian Madness Network", which contains each thought and memory that any Malkavian in the world has ever had (and sometimes is about to have).
The Malkavians possess a rare ability (Discipline) called Dementation, which can alter the way a victim senses reality. It can be used to increase the Malkavian's own oracular ability or to induce insanity in others. In earlier editions of the game, this power was the initial province of the Malkavian antitribu, but now can be found in the vast majority of the clan's membership. Some Sabbat Tzimisce elders endeavor to learn Dementation, however, to gain insight in the great ways of the Jyhad if they succeed. Most Malkavians are willing to attempt to educate others of their rare power, but unfortunately, learning Dementation will often turn a non-Malkavian insane themselves; as a result, study of the Discipline is rare among other Clans and the Malkavians themselves are often viewed with a mixture of suspicion and contempt.
With the formation of the Camarilla, the Malkavian elders came to the conclusion for the clan to survive they would have to remove Dementation, instead taking up the commonly-known mental Discipline Dominate. According to the Malkavian Clanbook, Dementation was blocked by six of the oldest Malkavians who called for a gathering of the entire clan through the Malkavian Madness Network. This became known as The Great Prank, and strangely, no one else noticed that the Malkavians were gone. When almost all the Malkavians had been collected, they were changed.
Roughly one-tenth of Malkavians did not attend for whatever reason, and as a result the clan was split into two parts - the changed and the unchanged. Those who had their grasp of Dementation blocked remained part of the main clan, while those who refused to do so became known as the antitribu - most of whom later joined the Sabbat. The Malkavian antitribu continue to practice Dementation, growing steadily more insane due to the brutal conditions of Sabbat unlife (represented in game-terms by Sabbat Malkavians having two permanent derangements rather than the Camarilla's single derangement) while the more "stable" Malkavians remained part of the Camarilla. This division lasted for centuries until the Final Nights, when the "ban" was released in 1997 and Dementation surged back into the minds of Malkavians everywhere, an event which became known as The Awakening. This roughly coincides with the death of Anatole (White Wolf's canon Malkavian character), but there is no definite link between these two events, although it may have been related to the Week of Nightmares in July 1999.
One reason the Malkavians are so highly tolerated is summed up in the advice an elder vampire gave to his childer: "Listen to the Mad Ones." Despite their insanity, or perhaps because of it, the Malkavians have the capacity to "see" the future. So a vampire who pays attention to a Malkavian can get a warning before things go wrong, so long as the Malkavian's ramblings can be correctly translated.
As with all the vampire clans in the World of Darkness setting, Malkavians suffer from a specific flaw: in this case, they are incurably insane. This makes for interesting roleplaying as many storytellers will allow a Malkavian player to engage in breaking the fourth wall as an aspect of the vampire's insanity (i.e. the Malkavian is aware that he/she is a character in a game). However, many Malkavians believe their insanity to be a strength rather than a weakness. Exactly why they all suffer from insanity is unknown, but according to the Book of Nod, all third-generation vampires were cursed by Caine after the second-generation vampires were destroyed. One of these third-generation vampires was Malkav, from whom Malkavians come.
According to Malkavian legend, when Malkav was killed, all his childer came to his corpse and drank the blood of their father, thus collectively diablerizing Malkav. He is said to speak inside each and every Malkavian's soul and connects them into one collective consciousness. This "hive mind" is sometimes called "the Cobweb" or "the Malkavian Madness Network", which contains each thought and memory that any Malkavian in the world has ever had (and sometimes is about to have).
The Malkavians possess a rare ability (Discipline) called Dementation, which can alter the way a victim senses reality. It can be used to increase the Malkavian's own oracular ability or to induce insanity in others. In earlier editions of the game, this power was the initial province of the Malkavian antitribu, but now can be found in the vast majority of the clan's membership. Some Sabbat Tzimisce elders endeavor to learn Dementation, however, to gain insight in the great ways of the Jyhad if they succeed. Most Malkavians are willing to attempt to educate others of their rare power, but unfortunately, learning Dementation will often turn a non-Malkavian insane themselves; as a result, study of the Discipline is rare among other Clans and the Malkavians themselves are often viewed with a mixture of suspicion and contempt.
With the formation of the Camarilla, the Malkavian elders came to the conclusion for the clan to survive they would have to remove Dementation, instead taking up the commonly-known mental Discipline Dominate. According to the Malkavian Clanbook, Dementation was blocked by six of the oldest Malkavians who called for a gathering of the entire clan through the Malkavian Madness Network. This became known as The Great Prank, and strangely, no one else noticed that the Malkavians were gone. When almost all the Malkavians had been collected, they were changed.
Roughly one-tenth of Malkavians did not attend for whatever reason, and as a result the clan was split into two parts - the changed and the unchanged. Those who had their grasp of Dementation blocked remained part of the main clan, while those who refused to do so became known as the antitribu - most of whom later joined the Sabbat. The Malkavian antitribu continue to practice Dementation, growing steadily more insane due to the brutal conditions of Sabbat unlife (represented in game-terms by Sabbat Malkavians having two permanent derangements rather than the Camarilla's single derangement) while the more "stable" Malkavians remained part of the Camarilla. This division lasted for centuries until the Final Nights, when the "ban" was released in 1997 and Dementation surged back into the minds of Malkavians everywhere, an event which became known as The Awakening. This roughly coincides with the death of Anatole (White Wolf's canon Malkavian character), but there is no definite link between these two events, although it may have been related to the Week of Nightmares in July 1999.
One reason the Malkavians are so highly tolerated is summed up in the advice an elder vampire gave to his childer: "Listen to the Mad Ones." Despite their insanity, or perhaps because of it, the Malkavians have the capacity to "see" the future. So a vampire who pays attention to a Malkavian can get a warning before things go wrong, so long as the Malkavian's ramblings can be correctly translated.
Saturday, January 2, 2010
love poem

I take in a deep breath as I realize you could be the one I've waited for.
And now I'm wanting you to be with me even more than before and I really care.
I wish you could feel the way I feel when you are so happy and when you are so so sad.
I am left behind by everyone but you were the only one who strayed.
Seeing you is like my dreams when I see the calming flow of water from a waterfall beautiful and one of a kind.
I want you to know that I love you with all my heart and I will always love you, and I pray that you will love me back .
Pic is a snap shot by: karithefairy of photobucket.
To my love Kimmy for this is the first and by foremost only love poem I have ever completed, And I am truly gratful to having such an insperation as you.
wiccan element #1
Celtic Name: Airth
Direction: East

Tools: Dagger, Athame, Censer, Flute
Time: Dawn
Season: Spring
Goddess: Maiden
Period in Life: Infancy
Stone: Topaz, Amethyst
Animal: Eagle, Hawk, Raven
Plant: Myrrh, Lavender, Aspen
Colours: White, Yellow, Daffodil, Primrose
Sense: Smell
Concepts: Intellect, Knowledge, Clarity, Mind, Speed, Sound, Intuition
Positive Qualities: Inspiration, Wisdom, Hope, Logic, Joy, Anlaysis, Discernment, Decisiveness
Negative Qualities: Anxiety, Fear, Impulsiveness, Paranoia, Dispersion, Insecurity
Celtic Name: Airth
Direction: East

Tools: Dagger, Athame, Censer, Flute
Time: Dawn
Season: Spring
Goddess: Maiden
Period in Life: Infancy
Stone: Topaz, Amethyst
Animal: Eagle, Hawk, Raven
Plant: Myrrh, Lavender, Aspen
Colours: White, Yellow, Daffodil, Primrose
Sense: Smell
Concepts: Intellect, Knowledge, Clarity, Mind, Speed, Sound, Intuition
Positive Qualities: Inspiration, Wisdom, Hope, Logic, Joy, Anlaysis, Discernment, Decisiveness
Negative Qualities: Anxiety, Fear, Impulsiveness, Paranoia, Dispersion, Insecurity
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