Feelings and Emotions
The human mind is influenced by what they call feelings and emotions. Allow me to start by saying that emotions and feeling are quite different. I’ll start with the term “emotion”. Emotion can be best point to animal and human behavior. The only pure emotions are Joy, Anger, Fear and Pain.
Love, Jealousy and Hate are not anywhere close to being emotions. They are descriptions of complex interactions and evaluations that involve a range of feelings and interface to true emotions some of the time. An example is that lovers experience different array of feelings and a few pure emotions all at different times. Euphoria is the good benefit from being in love. Sadness and anger are the cost of being in love. Jealousy, like love, is another complex of cognitions, of feelings and emotions that exist to monitor close relationships.
There are two kinds of emotions: light (positive) and dark (negative) emotions. Light emotions are: Joy. Dark emotions are: Anger, Fear, and Pain. People should not get Love and Jealousy mixed up as feelings or emotions. Sometimes those who become of the darkest of the emotions are the emotions to evolve into what is called depression. Depression is the outcome of the mixture of anger, fear, and pain. It is what becomes that feeling of dread and the sense of being unwanted.
The only way to cure depression is to feel the light emotion Joy. Joy is the strongest emotion for if a person had felt joy while depression is in effect that depression will lessen. Let me compare Joy to a flashlight and depression to the night with a flashlight you are able to see. With Joy a person can see that he is slowly healing.